Attic, Roof & Gutter Inspection • Tune-Up

Our mission is to serve and care for our neighbors

Not Every Roof Needs to be Replaced.

Your roof is your home's greatest defense from the elements. As the years go by, it will take a beating. However, it can be hard to determine just how much damage your roof has taken.

Often, your roof and gutters only need to be touched up, rather than being fully replaced.

At Seipp Roofing, our $299 Roof & Gutter Inspection • Tune-Up (an $890 value) provide homeowners with an immediate fix to their roofing issues, without the hassle of scheduling an estimate.

Our $299 Roof & Gutter Inspection • Tune-Up Includes: 

Roof Inspection • Tune-Up Work ($540 Value) 

Replacement of up to 10 Blown-Off Shingles 

Tightening of Loose Shingles 

Repairs of Exposed Nail Heads ("Nail Pops")

Caulking and Sealing of All Vents, Flashings and Nail Holes 

Patching of Any Broken Seams

Repair Pipe Gaskets, includes Installation of One New Pipe Gasket 

Gutter Inspection • Tune-Up Work ($350 Value)

Gutter Cleaning

Caulking and Sealing your Gutters (End Caps, Outlets, & Miter Joints)

Tightening your Gutters Using Existing Fasteners

Tightening your Downspouts using Existing Fasteners and Brackets

Inspecting the Slope of your Gutters for Proper Water Flow

Visually Inspecting Ground Drainage and Run-Off

Along with the $299 Roof & Gutter Inspection • Tune-Up, your Roofing & Gutter Technician will inspect your entire roof and gutters, along with taking before and after pictures and providing a Full 21-Point Attic, Roof and Gutter Inspection Report!

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